Let’s Reinvent Work and Motherhood Together

Amidst the tumult of 2020, a working mom founded the Mother’s Monday movement. She brought together a community of leaders to ask how we might collectively reinvent the relationship between motherhood and work so that ambition and caregiving can co-exist. What began as an annual event celebrated on the Monday after Mother’s Day is now a movement all year, highlighting the progress and possibilities for caregivers in the workforce.

Today, Path Forward is proud to be the steward of the Mother’s Monday movement. We are a national non-profit organization whose vision is a world where caregiving is recognized and valued, does not disproportionately hinder women’s career progression or economic opportunity, and where everyone can achieve their personal and professional dreams. By challenging stereotypes, sparking conversations, and shifting workplace culture and policies, we aim to create a better world for caregivers in the workforce. 

  • We believe that caregiving is critical to the economy.

  • We believe in amplifying the ways businesses are adapting to create space and support for working mothers.

  • We believe in creating solutions that work for all types of families.

“At home on Sunday you’ll celebrate Mother’s Day with your family. When you come back to work on Monday it can feel like you have to check your motherhood at the door. What if instead we acknowledge it, celebrate it, and help corporate culture adapt to it?” — Gayatri Agnew, Founder

Contact Mother’s Monday at [email protected]. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.