You’re Invited! Launch Week for the Path Forward Community

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new online community for caregivers looking to return to work! On May 15, we’re opening the doors to the Path Forward Community on Mighty Networks, and we invite you to join us. We know how important it is for returners to connect with others who are going through similar experiences. That’s why we’ve created a space for caregivers at every stage of…

Welcome to Your Go-To Source for Returnship Information

Tired of having to search through multiple company sites or random lists to find a returnship that’s current and relevant? We’ve got you! Introducing Path Forward’s new Returnship Matcher! This eagerly anticipated directory is the one-and-only source for EVERY returnship program in the US. You can use this free one-stop tool to find paid return-to-work opportunities that meet your criteria at companies nationwide. What does it include? We’ve aggregated information…

Every Mom is a Working Mom: Happy Mother’s Day!

This Mother’s Day, Path Forward is sending a special shout out to moms – those who are balancing motherhood and career, those who left the paid workforce to care for their families, and those who are now striving to restart their careers. You inspire us every day with your determination and resolve to balance career ambition and motherhood, and to battle the stigma against career breaks. For you, on Mother’s…

Mother’s Monday: Now Powered by Path Forward

Our mission at Path Forward is to empower caregivers to restart their careers after a break focused on caregiving. Our work centers on shifting bias and stigma while uplifting and celebrating these women and men throughout their return-to-work journeys. The idea started because many of us had the personal experience of either being or knowing a mother who’d left the workforce to care for her young children and was struggling…

Four Suggestions for Employers on International Women’s Day

Path Forward supports caregivers of all genders in returning to the workforce. But we recognize that women often carry an extra burden. That’s why for International Women’s Day on March 8, we’re calling out that many obstacles women face are due to gendered stereotypes about careers and caregiving. In the home, these may include ingrained ideas about who is most responsible for providing childcare or whose career is most important.…

Father’s Friday: Let’s Reimagine Caregiving

Two years ago my friend and a member of Path Forward’s Board of Directors, Gayatri Agnew, started a new holiday called Mother’s Monday. The idea was simple: While we “honor” mothers on Mother’s Day we don’t support mothers, and especially mothers with careers. The expectation is that Mom celebrates with her children on a Sunday but then pretends she has no caregiving responsibilities when she gets to the office on…

Mother’s Monday: A Collaboration To Build A World for Career Moms

When we began Path Forward more than 5 years ago, it was because we recognized that decades after women had entered the workforce in large numbers, many still faced work/life conflicts after they became mothers. For some this led to leaving the workforce, often in a way that felt more like pushed out. And then, when these smart, educated, experienced women were ready to return to the paid workforce —…