Finding Strength in Your Career Break: Your Guide to Returnship Opportunities

by Jessica Taylor, Senior Recruiter at Unanet In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world taking a career break is becoming more common. Whether it’s for raising a family, caring for a loved one, or facing any of the many challenges life can bring, taking a step away from your career is not only valid, but it can be a powerful part of your career story. Several companies are realizing the value…

Talking to People You Already Know Is Networking

Networking has a branding problem. By Tami Forman Getting lunch or coffee with former coworkers is networking! Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash   At the end of July I got the chance to speak at the Power to Fly Career Connections Summit. The title of my session was “Stop Networking, Start Connecting” and you can see the recording here.  At one point the moderator asked me about tips and tricks for people who…

5 Reasons Why Returnships are Great for Society

You’ve heard about them on TV. You’ve read about them in the news. They’re returnships, and they’re here to stay. Returnships offer a path back into the paid workforce for those on career breaks and are becoming more popular with employers and returners alike – and with good reason. Here are five reasons why returnships are great for society. 1. Returnships promote diversity in the workplace and begin to address…

What Should My Salary Expectations Be When Returning to Work?

There are so many factors that go into the salary that comes with a job offer. Evaluating that salary can also be an emotional experience, which can further complicate things. Especially when you’re trying to re-enter the workforce and reestablish your professional worth, navigating salary negotiations can be tricky. How do you create realistic salary expectations for yourself? And what do you do if asked to take a job significantly…

How to Follow-up on a Job Application

You just submitted an application for a job you’re really excited about. Congratulations! But as the days go by, your patience starts to thin waiting for a response. So what should you do? Follow up with the employer, of course!  That said, it matters a great deal how you follow up, so here are our recommendations for how to do it successfully.  Double check the job description before taking action.…

Defining Success as You Return to Work

It’s fairly common for people to return to work after a career break through project-based work, consulting, or returnship programs. Because of the temporary or time-bound nature of these kinds of positions, we often hear how anxious people are about whether or not they’re on a path to success. This anxiety seems to be centered on what may be a narrow definition of success – will this company offer me…

Leveraging Unpaid Work Experience in Your Job Search

You’ve been gaining new skills throughout your career break. Many of those skills and experiences are valuable in the workforce. But how do you translate those experiences in a way that recruiters and hiring managers will understand?   The better you are able to articulate how your experiences have helped you develop skills that are valuable to a business, the more likely you are to persuade a potential employer that you…

3 Essential Tips for Talking About Your Career Gap

Interviews are probably top of mind as you start your return to work journey. They can be a stressful experience for anyone, but maybe even more so after a career break because you’re wondering how to discuss your employment gap. How do you explain your reasons for taking a career break? How much detail should you go into about the circumstances behind your break? It can be nerve-wracking to put…

[Recording] A Returner’s Guide to Preparing for a Technical Interview

Recording Watch a recording of this October 19, 2023 webinar to learn how to prepare for technical interviews. Interviews for technical positions often include a skills component that fills returners with dread. It’s understandable. If you’ve been out of the workforce for several years, how can you show your technical competence when so much has changed? We’ve got you! This one-hour webinar provides insider tips and advice for conquering everything…