Is “Back to School” Making You Think of “Back to Work”?

The end of summer and start of a new school year feels like a fresh start for everyone. The kids are older now – maybe your youngest is beginning full-day kindergarten. Or the oldest is off to college. Or your teen or preteen is super busy with activities. What about you? The back-to-school season is when many stay-at-home moms and dads begin to think about their own next steps. Maybe…

Easy Ideas to Ease Back Into a School Routine

You’d think that back to school would mean a big sigh of relief. As we’ve written before, a summer strategy is needed for those yawning weeks when the usual childcare arrangements (generally known as school) suddenly disappear and parents across the land scramble to keep the kids safe and occupied. While it certainly solves a lot of problems to have the kids back in school, those first weeks can present…

You’re Not Starting From Zero: Call Out Your Transferable Skills

A brand-name employer we work with was hoping to hire more sales consultants for their IT services division. “You know,” the hiring manager said. “Some of our most successful employees are former teachers.” The manager had noticed something: these former teachers — because of their experience working with students, parents, and administrators — had exceptional skills in understanding and adapting to the needs of different customers. Put another way, the…

How to Research a Company Before Your Interview

In many ways, the Scout Motto “Be Prepared” applies to job searching as much as it does to camping and hiking. This is especially true if you’ve been invited to a job interview. Your resume piqued the employer’s interest and now they want to meet you. Hooray! This is a huge step in your candidacy and you’ll want to be prepared and make the most of this opportunity by researching…

Is Housework Stressing You Out? Lower Your Standards.

My dining room table was dirty when I woke up this morning. Some of it was kid debris – a plastic box full of crayons, half-finished drawings, books, birthday cards. Some of it was food debris – crumbs from last night’s dinner. It was dirty when I woke up because it was dirty when I went to bed. If you just read that paragraph and thought “Oh honey, you are…

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Resume Writer

One question we’re often asked is “Should I hire a professional resume writer?” No wonder! A well-polished resume is a key marketing tool for your return to work. Ideally it showcases your relevant work experience (both paid and unpaid), degrees, and certifications, and demonstrates that you’re qualified for the position you’re applying for. It’s also the first and lasting impression you’ll make on the recruiter or talent acquisition specialist who’s…

Tips to Prepare for Your Career Restart

While on a career break, what are the best ways to prepare for your eventual restart? Kathryn Sollmann, author of Ambition Redefined: Why the Corner Office Doesn’t Work for Every Woman & What to Do Instead, shares her insights in a Q&A with Path Forward. Q: How do you recommend addressing career gaps on a resume? Should the reason for the gap be stated or not? I’m in the “honesty…

[Recording] Networking & LinkedIn Strategies for Returners

Recording Watch a recording of this July 19, 2023 webinar to learn how to network on LinkedIn from noted career expert J.T. O’Donnell of Work It Daily. You’ll discover how to create a great LinkedIn profile as part of your overall networking strategy. You’ll also learn different options for presenting your career gap and the pros and cons of each. Walk away from this one-hour program with practical advice and…