Stuck In Your Job Search? How to Keep Going.

I’m a big fan of Patty Azzarello, a writer and executive coach. I find her advice really helpful. Much of it comes out of her experience in large organizations, but it’s often applicable to people working in companies of all sizes. One memorable blog post was about how to win a big promotion and, as usual, it has a lot of good advice. But that’s not why I’m sharing it…

Why Is This Job Search So Hard?

I would venture to guess that most people, when they leave the workforce to focus on caring for their family, plan to re-enter at some point. That plan may be specific or hazy, but almost everyone I’ve ever spoken to about their restart journey says something like, “I always planned to go back to work.”  And while I don’t think anyone expects that the search for employment will be easy,…

How Do I Stay Motivated During a Tough Job Search?

It can be hard to stay upbeat when you don’t get a job after many attempts and applications submitted. One problem people run into is hoping it will be easy to return to work, which actually creates a bit of an expectation that it will be easy. When it isn’t, the disappointment you feel at not meeting that expectation — no matter how unrealistic it was — can be really…